I heard from a customer that her pre-order had a delivery date of March 31, which is exciting! A quick check on Amazon shows that it’s IN STOCK and ready to go. What a rush!!!   Whatcha waitin’ for? Get your copy now! It’s still on SUPER sale, too (wow, check out that Kindle price!),[…]


Photographer Interview

My book is so beautiful it makes me cry! The gorgeous cover and inside “beauty” shots were all styled and shot by local photographer, Jayme Burns. I thought it would be fun to look at her motivations as an artist and share some of her luscious photos with you all, so I set up this little photographer interview with her!

21 Necklace - Statement Piece - 1

Tell us a little bit about yourself?
Well, where to start. I’m 31, from Louisbourg Nova Scotia. I love art in all forms and spend many hours researching styles, techniques and generally Ooo’ing and Ahhh’ing at others work. I’m currently obsessed with Charmaine Olivia’s paintings and the photography of Brooke Shaden. I’m a self proclaimed cat lady, coffee lover and music addict. I currently have Ed Sheeran on a constant loop while I work. But will forever be a Blind Melon fan.


Wire Wrap Tool Recommendations

One of the questions I get really often is what wire-wrapping tools I use, or what wire pliers should a beginner use. So I thought I’d give you my wire wrap tool recommendations! Simple tools are best for beginners – you can get sets of flush cutters, round-nose pliers, and chain-nose pliers at various department or[…]


Freeform Wire Art Jewelry – Book Announcement

So, I’ve been sitting on some really big news for oh… say, a year. It’s been taking up a lot of my time and it’s been KILLING ME that I couldn’t announce it. But now – I can! You guys. I wrote a book. Last fall, FW Media found my tutorials online and came knocking[…]
